Leading M O T H E R

back to her Creativity, Intuition + Wild Nature

through Great Spirit Medicine + Art Alchemy

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the VILLAGE Patreon

Work With the Wolf

  • C o m m u n i t y

    A safe + intimate container on Patreon to connect deeper to your innate wild nature + own your truest expression of Self.

  • R e a d i n g s

    Shamanic leaning with Indigenous roots, my readings cut to your current issues at hand + offer supportive advice from your earth + animal spirit guides, your ancestors, higher self and Great Spirit.

  • I n t e r p r e t a t i o n s

    Understand the psychological and spiritual meaning behind the symbols + hidden knowledge of your sleeping imagination. My sessions offer you the translation to unlock your dreams. Now Booking Sessions.

  • M e n t o r s h i p

    This 1:1 Social Media Coaching Call will advise you on the best strategy for your unique brand + message while providing you with insider tips + tricks to work with the algorithms and ensure your important content is seen and engaged with.

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