5 Creative Ideas to Make Your Outfit More Bohemian-Grunge

Welcome back, guys! I’m diving right in. As many of you know, the month of October was crazy for this lone wolf mama and her cub as we packed up our home in the Colorado Rockies and traveled across the country to our new abode in Tennessee. I can’t wait to share more of that journey with you, but for now- as we get into our new groove, I wanted to share this week’s blog post that got lost in the shuffle over the past couple months. Please enjoy, as I spend the next few weeks working on new content for you mamas.

This week, however, is all about how to incorporate more of the Bohemian style into your personal wardrobe. After speaking with many of you, I quickly learned that this is something we certainly share a passion for. By using our creativity to reveal ourselves through our wardrobe, we are showing the world who we are in just one artistic expression. The ultimate goal is to create ourselves to be a living canvas, creating our lives to be our artistic masterpiece. And I have personally found the Bohemian style to be the most closely matched to my vibration, which is why I’m excited to share some of my fashion secrets with you, today. So without much more explanation, let’s get into it!

001. Add an Accessory or Seven…

This may seem like a pretty simple fix, and you’d be right. Once you’re dressed, take a look in the mirror and try to decide what is missing. You can dress up (or down) an outfit with a single accessory. The key with boho style, however is to use many accessories. Add two more rings or bracelets than you think necessary. Would a belt tie the look together? Or would a scarf used as a belt make a better impact? Would that scarf serve better wrapped around your head instead? The more necklaces you can fit in a cascade effect down your chest, the better more often than not. The trick is to play with it and see how many pieces of jewelry or accessories you can get away with- without coming across like Jack Sparrow. And even if you do, who cares? I mean, really.

Each of my pieces mean something special to me, which is the only caveat I would add to this point. If it doesn’t make you smile when you look at it, bring on warm feelings of loved ones, or feel good when wearing it, then don’t.

002. Mix Your Prints and Textures

When it comes to the Bohemian style, the less structure the better in the sense that your patterns and textures do not need to be matching. Personally, I like to mix pops of strong patterns with natural toned solids. I’ll use beloved patterns of fabrics I’ve acquired from across the globe which I find to be more visually interesting than many found to be manufactured in the United States. The overall quality and attention to detail can be felt when you hold an item like that in your hand. Although, I will say seeking out these pieces from the States certainly turns you into a top notch bargain shopper because certain brands, every once in a while, will come out with a gem. Either way, just pick a single color from one of your patterns to base the rest of your outfit around, or my personal favorite: You can never go wrong with a good pair of jeans.

When it comes to this point, I must stress the importance of QUALITY over QUANTITY. A shirt made out of 100% organic cotton or a linen dress will last a lot longer in your wardrobe than the toxic synthetic materials often found in fast fashion.

003. Layers, Layers, Layers

It all depends on the outfit of course. But maybe the final touch is a duster, jacket or shawl. If you live in a climate where it is too hot to include this garment, why not tie your jacket around your waist? Or tie your shawl to your purse for “just in case” and in the meantime, you’re making a bold statement. I have a few go-to favorites when my outfit needs an additional layer, which, let’s admit it, when it comes to the Bohemian style, the more layers the better in most cases.

You can also try layering your tops with a lacey bralette as your first layer, a loose tank as your second, a slinky tank as your third layer in a different texture or pattern, then throw a light jacket over top.

004. Wear a Hat

I know this could easily fit into number one, but could it really? The hat game honestly requires it’s own bullet point because a really good hat can completely MAKE an outfit. Stay away from branded baseball caps (unless that’s totally your thing) and aim for the brimmed hats similar to the ones in the photos. To be totally honest, though- if you are confident enough, you can pull off nearly any quirky accessory. The secret is to just own it.

One of my favorite hat brands to shop is Sunday Afternoons Hats. Their hats are not only of fantastic quality, but are also incredibly durable for actual wear, even coated in SPF to protect your head from sun damage. Check them out.

005. When in Doubt, a Printed Tee Will Work it Out

Listen, I know it’s fun to throw on clothes that inspire you, but some days, the inspiration will go as far as your favorite printed tee. If you don’t have one, I highly suggest investing in one or a few. One of my favorites is in the photos. When you add one or some or all of the above tips to your outfit, the printed tee will tie it all together flawlessly. You can find fairly affordable printed tees at stores like Target, but the best are those acquired at local shows, events, or from your favorite pop culture podcast. Keep it original and fresh. Make people want to stop you on the street to ask you about it or join in your statement. The printed tee will forever and always be a staple in this style as far as I’m concerned.

Are you a fellow Bohemian style lover? What creative idea would you add to help turn an ordinary outfit into a boho dream? Connect with us on social media this week and let me know! Until next time,

May the road rise up to meet you!



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