Evidence to Support Jesus in India?

The idea of Jesus visiting India is a controversial topic that has been debated for centuries. But I can’t help but ask myself why. But to be honest, the more one dwells on it from a state of detached curiosity, the more it starts to become clear.

While there is no “concrete” evidence to support the theory, some historians + religious scholars have discovered that there are several historical records that could suggest the possibility of Jesus traveling to India.

One of the most popular theories is that Jesus may have traveled there during the "Lost Years" of his life, which were not recorded in the Bible. Some believe that Jesus may have traveled to India to study with Hindu + Buddhist teachers, and to learn more about Eastern philosophy and spirituality. And while we explore this topic on social media, I wanted to share a few more points today on the blog that lend a hand in this.

Here are some pieces of evidence that have been cited to support the theory of Jesus visiting India:

  1. The Gospel of Thomas:

    This is a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus that was discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945. Some of the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas suggest a familiarity with Eastern spirituality and philosophy, which could indicate that Jesus had some exposure to these ideas.

  2. The Gospel of Matthew:

    Some scholars have suggested that the Magi who visited Jesus after his birth were actually wise men from India, and that they may have introduced Jesus to Eastern philosophy and spirituality.

  3. The Tomb of Issa:

    In the city of Srinagar, India, there is a tomb that is believed to contain the remains of Jesus. While there is no definitive proof that this is true, some have suggested that it could be possible that Jesus traveled to India and was buried there.

  4. The Bhavishya Purana:

    This is a Hindu text that contains references to a holy man named "Issa," who some scholars have suggested could be Jesus. The text describes Issa as a teacher who traveled to India and studied with Hindu sages.

While these pieces of evidence are intriguing, they are unfortunately not definitive proof that Jesus visited India. But honestly, once we look at the core of his message, the “resolve” to support this theory becomes even more clear. The idea of Jesus traveling to India remains a matter of speculation and debate among scholars and religious experts, and I suggest this to be on purpose. After all, if it were true, what would this mean for world religions? But what do you believe? I think it would make a lot of unknowns suddenly make perfect sense.

In conclusion, the theory of Jesus visiting India is a fascinating and controversial topic that continues to intrigue people around the world. While there is no concrete evidence to support the theory, there are historical records that suggest the possibility of Jesus traveling to India and studying Eastern philosophy and spirituality. Regardless of whether the theory is true or not, the idea of Jesus being influenced by Eastern spirituality adds an interesting dimension to his story and legacy. And certainly to my own personal resolve. Connect with us over on social media to share your thoughts!

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May the road rise up to meet you!



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