Mend Trauma with Scorpion Spirit Energy

Welcome back to the blog, where we are discussing all the different ways we can work with each of the earth + animal spirit energies that showed up for us in the March Earth + Animal Spirit Tarot Reading for the Collective Dream that I release on the first of each month over on YouTube.

The scorpion is a powerful creature known for its ability to release (let go of) and transform energy. When it comes to healing trauma, the energy of the scorpion can be a potent tool for mending old wounds and emotions that no longer serve you. Here are some ways to work with scorpion energy to mend trauma:

  1. Embrace the Power of Release

    The scorpion is associated with the idea of release and transformation, and this can be a powerful tool for healing trauma. Start by acknowledging the emotions and experiences that you are holding onto, and be willing to release them in order to create space for healing and growth.

  2. Use Breathwork and Movement

    The scorpion is a creature of the earth and can be associated with the lower chakras in the body. Use breathwork and movement practices to connect with your body and release energy that may be stuck in your lower chakras. This can help you release trauma and create a sense of groundedness and stability.

  3. Work with Shadow Energy

    The scorpion is also associated with shadow energy, or the parts of ourselves that we tend to hide or ignore. Embrace your shadow self and be willing to confront the parts of yourself that may be contributing to your trauma. By acknowledging and working with your shadow energy, you can release old patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back.

  4. Cultivate Self-Awareness

    The scorpion is a creature of deep self-awareness, and cultivating self-awareness can be a powerful tool for healing trauma. Take time to reflect on your emotions and experiences, and be willing to sit with uncomfortable feelings. By cultivating self-awareness, you can begin to release trauma and move towards a place of healing.

  5. Seek Support

    Healing trauma can be a challenging process, and seeking support is essential. Consider working with a therapist or healer who can help you navigate the process of releasing trauma. You may also find support through community or spiritual practices that resonate with you.

In conclusion, the energy of the scorpion can be a powerful tool for releasing trauma and transforming old patterns and beliefs. By embracing the power of release, using breathwork and movement, working with shadow energy, cultivating self-awareness, and seeking support, you can harness the energy of the scorpion to release trauma and move towards a place of healing and growth. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself as you navigate the process of releasing trauma, and trust in your own strength and resilience.

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May the road rise up to meet you!



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