How to Work with the Snake Medicine During Your Awakening

Welcome back to the blog! This month, in the Earth + Animal Spirit Tarot Reading for the Collective Dream, the snake appeared yet again, to help assist us and I cannot wait to get into this message with you today!

During an awakening, many people may feel drawn to work with the energy of the snake spirit. In many spiritual traditions, the snake symbolizes transformation, healing, and awakening. Here are some ways you can work with the snake spirit energy during your awakening:

  1. Learn about snake symbolism

    One way to work with the snake spirit energy is to learn about the symbolism and mythology associated with snakes in various cultures. In many cultures, snakes are associated with rebirth, renewal, and transformation. By studying the symbolism of snakes, you can gain a deeper understanding of the snake spirit energy and how it can support your awakening.

  2. Meditate on the snake

    Another way to work with the snake spirit energy is to meditate on the image of the snake. You can visualize the snake coiled at the base of your spine, where the kundalini energy lies dormant. As you focus on the image of the snake, you can invite the snake spirit energy to awaken the kundalini and facilitate your spiritual growth and transformation.

  3. Practice Kundalini yoga

    Kundalini yoga is a powerful practice that can help awaken the kundalini energy and activate the snake spirit energy. The practice involves a combination of physical postures, breathwork, and meditation. By practicing Kundalini yoga, you can open yourself to the transformative power of the snake spirit energy.

  4. Work with snake energy crystals

    Many crystals are associated with the snake spirit energy, including serpentine, black tourmaline, and malachite. You can work with these crystals by carrying them with you, wearing them as jewelry, or placing them in your home or workspace. The crystals can help amplify the energy of the snake spirit and support your spiritual awakening.

  5. Embrace transformation

    Finally, working with the snake spirit energy requires a willingness to embrace transformation. The snake sheds its skin to grow and evolve, and so must we. As you work with the snake spirit energy, be open to the changes and transformations that may occur in your life. Trust that the snake spirit is guiding you on your spiritual journey and supporting your growth and evolution.

In conclusion, working with the snake spirit energy during your awakening can be a powerful way to facilitate your spiritual growth and transformation. By learning about snake symbolism, meditating on the snake, practicing Kundalini yoga, working with snake energy crystals, and embracing transformation, you can tap into the transformative power of the snake spirit energy and support your awakening.

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May the road rise up to meet you!



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