How to Start Living Holistically in 3 Easy Steps

Clickbait? Perhaps. Because if you’ve been alive for any amount of days, you know that it isn’t always easy making a major life shift. Especially one that requires us turning our back on the majority of what the current culture deems as normal. But on today’s blog article, I’m breaking it down into 3 easy-enough-to-manage steps that will set you up for success in your journey towards living a more holistic lifestyle.

If you aren’t familiar with the holistic lifestyle, I’ll explain it in a nutshell. Essentially, every human on earth is created with three spinning energy conductors. Your mind produces energy. Your body produces energy. And your spirit produces energy. There are certain habitual, environmental and spiritual factors, however that will deplete our energy from any of the three sources. But when we are living in a holistic balance, all of these three areas are being tended to daily through mindfulness practices and awareness.

And that gets us started on today’s list! So grab a few minutes to sit down with your cup of tea in your favorite sun spot and dedicate the next 30 minutes to this process. You will NOT regret it!

01: Brainstorming Session

Listen, it’s nearly impossible to wake up one day and be a completely different person, living an entirely different life. This is why it’s important to never despise small beginnings. I want you to take the next few minutes to write down three titles across the top of your paper. MIND, BODY, + SPIRIT. Now set a timer for 3 minutes and under each one, I want you to write down any hopes, wishes or personal goals that you have in that area. There are no wrong answers, just write as much as you can in those 3 minutes.

Once your time goes off, I want you to stop writing and set your timer again for another 3 minutes. Now go through your lists that you wrote and choose just ONE from each category. So ONE goal for your mind, ONE goal for your body and ONE goal for your spirit. This may look like:

  • Mind: I want to heal from a recent trauma. I want to work on what triggers me. I want to practice more mindfulness in my day.

  • Body: I want to start eating healthier. I want to get rid of all toxic products in my home. I want to start practicing yoga.

  • Spirit: I want to start meditating regularly. I want to find a local community to connect with. I want to learn more about Spirit.

So as you look at your lists, you can decide if choosing one may also grandfather another by submission. In the MIND category in the example above, practicing mindfulness daily may also help one to heal from a recent trauma and recognize triggers a lot more easily, so choosing a particular goal may already cover your other goals.

02: Audit Time

This sounds a lot scarier than it is. Now I want you to sit down with a new piece of paper and write your three categories again. Only this time, I want you to solely focus on your 3 main goals (one in each category). Within each new goal, I want you to set a timer for 5 minutes and write out any activity, product, thought process, etc that you CURRENTLY HAVE that you are hoping to change. So in our example, this is what it would look like:

  • Mind: Practice more mindfulness in my day. CURRENTLY: waking up and looking at my phone first thing, the hours in my day seem to get away from me, I don’t share in others’ happiness because I’m too busy to notice, etc.

  • Body: Get rid of all toxic products in my home. CURRENTLY: using industrial strength dish soap, I have cleaners with harsh chemicals, my toothpaste has fluoride, etc.

  • Spirit: I want to learn more about Spirit. CURRENTLY: only have the knowledge given to me by parents, I’m interested in things that have no explanation, but don’t understand it, I’m scared of what I will connect with, etc.

How did that go? Was this part hard or easy for you?

03. And Action

The final step in today’s article is, you guessed it: TAKE ACTION. I want you to set one final timer for 10 minutes and continue your brainstorming session. Now, I want you to include under each of your goals 3 actionable steps you can take TODAY to start on your new journey. This is what it could look like:

  • Mind: Practice deep breathing for the first 15 minutes of my morning before getting out of bed.

  • Body: Replace my next toothpaste I purchase with one that does not contain fluoride.

  • Spirit: Light a candle and when I smell it or see it, I will remember that I am being watched over by the Great Spirit and say thank you.

Now that you’ve got a mind goal, a body goal and a spirit goal, try out these three new actions for the next week and see how it goes. If something isn’t working after a week, take time for another brainstorming session and see where you may need to make some tweaks in order to keep you on your path. Save this blog post to come back to whenever you need it!

We’re discussing more of the Holistic Dynamic on this week’s episode of the Podcast. Listen now!

We would love it if you connected with us this week over on social media and keep me updated with your progress. Until next time, may the road rise up to meet you!





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