The Importance of Spirituality in Motherhood

Sometimes I feel as though all of the responsibilities and weight of the world, and now motherhood- is tied to the end of a thin rope that I hold onto. Some days, it’s a shipyard chain, unbreakable. But even still, often times it feels like the thin rope could snap at any minute and everything that I’m trying to hold together and maintain would unravel in my life.

As a mom, have you ever felt like this?

We have the constant fluctuation of our hormones after having baby to thank in part for that (no, seriously), but there’s more to the story.

A lot more.

The pressures in life are enough without adding the various aspects of motherhood. I’ve spent a long time in deep thought about why this is and I’ve come to a sobering conclusion. We are currently living in a hyper toxic society which impacts us on a level so much greater than we stop to realize. It didn’t start out so toxic, but it’s the story of the boiling frog. In case you’re not aware of it, it’s the premise that if you place a frog in lukewarm water and slowly bring it to a boil, it will never even know what happened to it.

We are the frog.

The culture that’s been created around always being busy is sickening. Literally. So many people suffer from stress-induced illnesses, brought on by the chronic anxiety that comes with living the fast paced life and a deeply engrained mindset that says we must “keep up with the Jones’”. This is fed to us Everywhere. We. Look. The stress is also incredible for those of us (the majority of us) that are slipping through the cracks of our government as they increase the pay gap from wages to cost of goods (and it is continuously increasing, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that). It’s even significantly worse today than it was just 2 years ago since the newest administration has taken office (let’s just call it as we see it, it’s not a mere opinion at this point). Don’t get triggered, this isn’t a political post.

Just keep reading.

The truth of the matter is that it’s all a 3 ring circus, featuring the Entertainment Industry, Government and Big Pharmaceuticals as our main performances. If you’re not careful, you can get caught in the trap of letting their magic tricks and illusions control your life. I began to speak out about some of these trickeries on my social media outlets in the beginning of 2020 and they showed me quickly that my rights as an American Citizen were merely suggestions, not a constitution like we had come to believe. I’m one of many other brave souls that had their accounts deleted during 2020 and the beginning of 2021 for using our Freedom of Expression at such a Primetime for Big Pharma, Entertainment and Government to start working a new magic show on the trusting population. So I offered a salute to those who’s eyes I had opened, a middle finger to the major social media corporations and started my Mojave + Wolf account, using a different approach. Now on I can share whatever I want without being silenced.

And I will continue to because it is important. Your holistic health depends on it (mind, body + spirit). This is also a huge part of why I have my newsletter in case they try to get handsy with my account again. Have you signed up? (Sign up at the bottom of the page!)

The reality is as soon as you step out of the circus tent, you will see it for what it really is. It’s as clear as day. But when you’re under the flashing lights and loud music, it’s almost impossible to see it. A lot of the well-known facts to those of us who have already known about the dirty deeds these “stars” have been perpetrating over the years may seem like the most bogus stories you’ve ever heard. But I assure you, reality is stranger than fiction most days.

A very recent example is how an organic baby food brand, Serenity Kids has publicly backed a petition that was started by concerned mothers to remove heavy metals from most other baby food brands. Wait- what?! Yep. It’s sadly and disgustingly true.

I’m just so thankful that these facts are becoming more and more known as time goes on. Not fast enough, in my opinion, but it’s happening nonetheless.

This was part of my intentions when I decided to move across the country from Central Florida to the almost-middle-of-nowhere, Colorado. I needed to get away from the noise. My spirit was suffocating under the pressures of the oblivious fast life and those that lived it like it was a holy ritual. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do it. Clearly, I was hustling the hardest I had ever in my life during that time, and doing a damn fine job at it. But that’s the thing about the hard and fast hustle is it wears you down over time. My spirit already knew this. My mind and body needed to catch up. And by the end of my old life, that’s exactly what had happened (you can read more about that here).

I knew what was needed for my spirit to move forward. And although Mojave came as a beautiful surprise, I still made it a point to adjust my sails, only now for both of our sake. I found myself a nice, humble cabin in the mountains to raise my daughter in a different kind of world.

Motherhood doesn’t just send a friend request to truly connect to Spirit, but requires a real friendship outside of the mind.

It requires getting in nature and feeling the earth’s living vibration under your feet. Smelling the fresh air. Meditating. Considering your smallness in the bigness of the Universe. Expressing gratitude for everything along the way. If we stand any chance of doing this parenting thing right, I truly believe it is pivotal to keep that line of connection to Spirit open at all times.

Spirit is the lifeblood that flows through every inspired thought. Spirit is what checks us when we are faced with a decision and we don’t know what to do. Every moment of joy that catches us off guard, Spirit takes our hand and guides us on this journey through trusting our intuition. As a mother who is spiritual, I try to remain open every day to seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting + touching the Spirit in whatever vessel it chooses to show up for me.

When we tap out of toxic culture and tap into Spirit, we are connected to the Source of Life, itself. We are able to make more clear, informed decisions because we act out of our gut instead of our emotions. When we’re connected to Spirit, we have more confidence in our decisions because you feel the big daddy Spirit energy guiding you.

If we want to raise a more conscious, holistically healthy generation than the one we are finding ourselves in, then we must include a connection to Spirit. It’s nothing new. In fact, we would yet again be returning to the older, tried and tested ways of life. A life that becomes more simple the more it grows in abundance. A life that expresses gratitude daily for everything we have and doesn’t fret the things that we don’t because we know that Spirit is always providing a way.

A connection to the Great Spirit brings us back to what nature always intended for us: to have a peaceful and vibrant life, in sync with the pulse of the world we live in. And since our children learn through seeing mama do, it only increases in benefit.

If you’d love to read more about Spirituality in motherhood, please connect with us this week. You can find us on Social (for now):

Instagram: @mojaveandwolf

Facebook: @mojaveandwolf

Youtube: @mojaveandwolf

Until next week, may the road rise up to meet you.



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