Welcome to the All New Mojave + Wolf!

I’m so happy to announce the brand new MojaveandWolf.com!

Here, I will be able to share more in depth discussions, ideas and thoughts about single motherhood, offer my services to whomever may need them whether in the Lone Wolf Mama’s Club like myself, seeking some 1:1 coaching, or those after my photography, copy or social media skills.

It took me a long time to finally come to a decision about what to call my website, and how to present it to the world, but after a lot of consideration, I’ve decided to make Mojave + Wolf the central hub to what I have to offer.

I feel it properly represents me as a creator. All of this, after all, is for that beautiful little girl I was entrusted with.

As a writer, to have a blog again tastes a bit like drinking fresh spring water after a dry spell in the desert. I was devastated (honestly, for lack of a better word) when everything began to dismantle back in 2020. I was just starting to gain momentum in my previous business venture and the last thing my small business needed was a pandemic (let’s not get too heated about that statement, I think we’ve all thought it at one point in the past 2 years). But be that as it may, I was reluctant to close the doors on BohemeMe.com. Especially after years of preparation and eventual execution of my self-proclaimed “brilliant idea”. And let’s not get me started on how Instagram deleted my original account with almost 3k followers (and buyers) for no apparent reason (nor even offered one). That was a bad day…

Needless to say, it was a crazy year.

I resulted to creating new accounts (like @MojaveandWolf) and tried to continue to share my deep + intimate thoughts through my social media copy in the years that followed, but it left me wanting for a more intimate setting. To share with those who truly wanted to know what I’m feeling and thinking and to hear from those who honestly wanted to share their own experience.

I realized that BohemeMe.com was no longer going to be a part of my journey. At least not at this time. As much as it pained me to admit, it had served it’s purpose, as most things that come into your life with incredible force will do. But I knew it was time to move on, to transition into my next phase of entrepreneurialism.

Grow closer to my life’s purpose.

My journey into single motherhood was done with authenticity and I believe this is what has drawn my recent audience and is a key factor to presenting what I have to offer the world at this time.

I don’t sugar coat the hard parts and I won’t downplay the good days. This is what has drawn other single mothers to my social media and I intend to hold true to that mission here on the blog and through the website.

I’m truly excited, even after everything I’ve had to go through, to be able to present my new project to you.

On the all new Mojave + Wolf Blog you can expect posts about living the holistic lifestyle, day to day normalcies, intimate posts about the trials of being a single mother, artful DIYs, intentional practices to ponder, whatever photo shoots I’m working on lately, and so so much more!

If you’re new here, drop me a comment and introduce yourself. I love getting to know those who feel like their journey aligns with mine.

Until next blog post, thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you again soon!

d + mo


Motherhood: Top 5 Lessons I’ve Learned (so far)