How to Stay Creative with No Time

Where are all my creative moms at? The writers, the photographers, the painters, the sketchers, the actors, the singers, the musicians, the whatever you do’s.

This post is for you.

When I became a mom, it was very important for me to not lose myself in my new role. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, don’t get me wrong. And regardless of my situation, I was thrilled to know I was finally pregnant after trying with my ex-husband for 3 years to no avail. As fate would have it (and for whatever reason), I became pregnant just after my divorce with someone new. I mean, it was pretty quick. I actually have been (still) trying to work out my name change in the past week. See, when I put my initials next to the line on the divorce decree that asked me if I wanted to return to my maiden name, that it was a done deal. Not quite. It was only after the IRS withheld my tax return from last year due to my needing to verify my identity did I find out that there’s a whole other process one must go through with the Social Security office in order for my name change to be considered official. This means I can’t file my taxes this year until it is all sorted out. I’m working on that now. So that’s my 2022 tax season in a nutshell. (If you watch our vlog, you know all about this.)

But it’s just a perfect example to use today as I attempt to describe the knot-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach feeling an artist gets when we have to “come back to reality”. This is a state where we aren’t allowed to pursue our creative passions, but rather have to deal with the mundane day to day trivialities. Becoming a mother showed me that some responsibilities are worth putting your creativity on a back burner, but it doesn’t mean we, as mothers, don’t still long for it. On today’s post, I’m sharing the secret to staying creative, even if you feel you have no time.

Ready? Here it is:

The real secret is realizing the true definition of “creative”.

According to Webster’s, it means “having the quality or power of creating”.

That’s it.

It doesn’t say anything in there about needing to use a specific vehicle to accomplish this. The reality is, the more that we apply awareness, the more we can take any ordinary moment of our busy lives and turn it into something creative and magical.

I call it “setting mini daily challenges”. Points of the day during any given task where you stop yourself and say “is there another way I can try this?” Not only is this great for giving your brain a challenging workout, but you are applying the same energy and thought process you would when working on a creative project (in the traditional sense of artwork). Suddenly taking out the trash is something, dare I say, fun. For me, it involves throwing on layers and snow boots most days this winter, so it’s a real ordeal sometimes. I’ll also mention I’m at the midway point down a giant mountain so getting to the trashcan is awkward but manageable. Challenge accepted. I could try to explain the game I created for myself on trash day, but I think you get the idea.

Not fond of cooking? We all have our moments. I’m about 30% love for cooking, 70% please someone else do it. Just me, personally. But even dinner time can get creative with a new recipe that excites you. Try a personal taste around the world for a month where each week you create recipes for dinner from different parts of the globe. Or even a different flavor each night for one week. The options are endless because it is your creativity that’s fueling you. There are no rules. Only the ones you make.

If you’re running errands all day, create a new playlist to accompany you. Plan your route to stop by the ice cream shop and treat yourself to a quick smile.

This era of human life has created a god out of staying busy for the sake of looking important. I gave myself permission to throw out that unrealistic demand a long time ago. Some may think the trajectory of my life may have suffered for it, but that depends on who you’re asking. It has also improved tremendously. Sometimes we have to go through the storm at sea to reach the other side of fresh pastures.

Excuse my 80’s child reference, and I’m a mother now, so it’s completely acceptable- but I can’t help but think of LittleFoot in The Land Before Time. The dinosaurs were living a life of implied luxury when bam, turmoil and hardship hits and they are forced to migrate to find what they needed. Along the way, they built friendships, had adventures and enjoyed their time together. When they finally reached their promise land, they found a place far greater and more green + lush with life than what they had before. Point. If we don’t take the time to enjoy the small moments of whatever situation your life may be in at that time, we will truly miss the years we lose no matter where we’re headed.

Will you always long for something better? Is it within our nature to truly be satisfied with what we have?

I don’t know if it’s possible, but it would seem so. I’ve seen a handful of people throughout my life, whether through media or who I know personally, who’s spirit was attractive, light and contagious. It was as if life hadn’t dimmed their spark. Since I know that’s not possible, this must mean they had figured out some secret to enjoying this life regardless of hardships. I’m dedicated to finding out either way because this life is short. If you’re not living for what brings you hope, happiness and a sense of well being, what are you living for?

Honestly, think about it.

This is just one of the many points of view I offer in my 1:1 holistic health coaching sessions. If you are interested, book a completely free consultation with me. Let’s chat. Maybe I can offer some new perspective to your current situation.

Until next time, may the road rise up to meet you!



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